It’s been months since I have used this space. I […]
What’s 3000 Miles Between Friends?
There are two kinds of friends.
One who you expectantly bring through the front door and one who unexpectedly shows up and pops right through the garage door. I will explain, but before I do I feel like I must assure you that sometimes the front door is just closer, easier, and more accessible. Just because you have come in through my front door, does not make you a “front door friend.” Ok…let me explain…
Does Your Soul Need a Spa Day?
Something struck me in a new way today. I need Jesus EVERY day. I can’t save him up and use my “Jesus” reserves when I don’t make time to spend with him. Now, I’m pretty sure I don’t have a completely theologically sound argument here, but…
Preparing for the Storm in More Ways Than One
The sky is blue, the air is humid, it feels like just another day in Florida. You would never know it…but there is a storm coming. I was struck with overwhelming gratitude…
It’s my Blogiversary!
I thought it would be fun to go back through all of my posts and compile a “What Have I Learned” list. Some of you have been with me from the beginning, others joined us along the way, but regardless…
Quietness: The Anxiety Antidote
I wish I could say this is how I live all the time, that at every turn my heart is quiet and I am trusting God. But it’s simply not the case. This world we live in…
5am isn’t so bad after all
Transition is hard for me. I don’t know exactly when it happens but somewhere between coming home from vacation and having to start real life again, I get…
Don’t let these 4 anxiety triggers slow you down
Sometimes tears just come out of nowhere. You know what I’m talking about don’t you? One minute you think you are just fine and the next minute, here come the water works. I feel especially bad when my poor husband is sitting there trying to figure out what just happened. All he heard was…
How The Lord’s Prayer Became Mine…and what I Pray for You
Easter Sunday, the most attended church service of the year. Voices all over the world will be heard reciting The Lord’s Prayer. After all, this is how the Lord said we should pray, and so we pray exactly as He did. But are we missing something? Is it enough…
How I Fell in Love with Jesus – Part 2
It was the spring of 1986. Back when “Spring Break” used to be called “Easter Vacation.” I sat in the Main Chapel of Mt. Gilled Bible Camp and listened as our speaker challenged us with truths from God’s Word. I honestly don’t remember