It’s my Blogiversary!

I thought it would be fun to go back through all of my posts and compile a “What Have I Learned” list. Some of you have been with me from the beginning, others joined us along the way, but regardless…

Don’t let these 4 anxiety triggers slow you down

Sometimes tears just come out of nowhere. You know what I’m talking about don’t you? One minute you think you are just fine and the next minute, here come the water works. I feel especially bad when my poor husband is sitting there trying to figure out what just happened. All he heard was…

What Do You Want at the End of the Day?

Fifteen minutes with Jesus this morning. That was the only time I got to myself today until now. It all started by sitting with the 5th grader and learning more than I ever cared to know about Cleopatra, then I transitioned to sitting with the 9th grader learning…wait for it…